DTS/DTC NP - Taxiway Centerline and Stop Bar, Inset 8", LED

DTS-NP/DTC-NP taxiway lights are used in CAT I, II, and III as taxiway centerline lights, in straight and curved sections, as stop bars, intermediate holding position lights, de-/anti-icing facility exit lights, apron lead-in lights and runways guard lights where applicable at night. They offer all key characteristics of LED lighting sources, starting with very low energy consumption (typically 10 W per side compared to 40 W for tungsten halogen lights) and require minimal maintenance resulting in increased traffic efficiency and availability of the taxiways. The lights offer highly and proven efficient protection against lightning strikes. They also offer an optional monitoring function of the individual light source where in case of a defect, the LED light automatically disconnects from the secondary side of the lamp transformer, resulting in an open circuit condition. Exists in normal and low protrusion.

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from approach to departure

Interactive airport